Erase Negative Generators

Some quick pointers as we either drown in or swim out of the quagmire of negative news.


As fiction writers we are wired to all that happens around us as our receptors absorb ideas for the next great story. The blessing and curse of the news – more a curse in the current times while essential for updates on matters of health and mortality, the economic slump and the general state of the nation – it is disruptive in its overdose of negativity.



Brain receptors


The writer’s receptors grab ideas at the speed of a 5G network – the mind is never at rest, dreams emerge during troubled times as stress levels are elevated and the quest for ideas, for the next great book, arrives in a mangled mind needing time out. Once this agglomerates to confuse and clog thinking which we are at risk of in the current global climate, the danger is depressing outcomes for the writer on high alert – never wanting to miss a moment of the rapid global change we are undergoing. The virulent effect, if we are not selective, leaves its scar for a lifetime.


Be Selective


Choice matters when words count and writing deadlines are set-up. Where possible avoid mismanaged choices that deaden your writing plans – dry the inkwell or moves the virus into your hard drive. Choose to read inspirational material to reframe how you see yourself in the world. I recommend reading The Untethered Soul, the journey beyond yourself, by Michael Singer to redirect thoughts to positivity and peace.



To attain true inner freedom, you must be able to objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them – Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul




Erase Negative News for Creativity to Shine


Poetry, meditation, or inspirational music will reset your inner dial for greater productivity. Catch up on writing podcasts to refresh your muse. There are loads of positive platforms to draw from to rev your creative mojo free from negativity. 

Go Creative Flow Practice



Music is the Food of Life, Please Play on


Whatever your choice of music choose healing sounds to quieten the mind and open the creative receptors free of the pollution of an overload of negative news.


Kimba Arem

Louis Armstong

Mandala 7 Chakras



Dance/Move your way to writing inspiration


Dance like nobody is watching is an excellent way to get the blood pumping and the mood in an upswing, so whatever you choose to do, jive, toe-tap or nod to the rhythm of the sounds, you will feel energised to activate what might be momentarily blocked.



Happy Song



Try a little Humour


Watch old comedy movies/television sitcoms or stand-up comedy shows. Slapstick humour relaxes the body and mind and transports us to joy – a positive mental state necessary for general wellbeing and a surge in creative energy.


  • Fawlty Towers
  •  Are you being served?
  • ‘Allo ‘Allo






Select what you will read, listen, dance or move to in your week and notice how your writing flows when you mindfully infuse beauty and peace into your daily activities.


Stay safe, find peace, abundant writing best wishes sent your way!


Happy Reading. Happy Writing!



Share your ideas on how to uplift positivity in our writing lives and life in general.


Creative Space

Psychological boundaries are either self-constructed or built by others. Whoever is doing the construction of the wall is of no relevance — both will hinder creative energy.

We need people around us as creatives just not their negative energies that overwhelm and stifle.


Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creation and change ~ Brene Brown.


Creatives are sensitive souls, dreamers in tune with what the naked eye might not see. This opens the mind and soul to all aspects of the universe and in so doing leaves the creative vulnerable.

Choose your associations. This is crucial to creative energy. People who understand the creative, appreciate the need for space to commune with the muse, nature and the imagination.

Positive vibrations come from such associations that sustain and enhance a creative life. People who understand solitude and the creative need to slip off the radar for a brief period are associates to nurture and stay connected to.

In seeking creative space distancing the self from negativity is crucial to avoiding that which mars the creative process


What to watch…

  • those who tell you what you should be creating
  • those that question what you write or why you write
  • those who are not writers but freely offer writing advice
  • those who imagine a character or situation reflects their lives. It’s good if they do — that’s being a good writer to be able to craft lives/stories that people feel connected to — the ultimate writing goal is to reach the reader.
  • those who scour your books and comment that your book is a reflection of your own life by ignoring that you’re writing fiction and have not got down to writing a memoir yet.


Creative energy is more critical than learning ~ Albert Einstein



Who should we hang onto?

  • those who can’t wait to read your next book
  • those who let you know what they loved about your writing and let you know what thoughts your book has left them with
  • those who allow you to be you — gentle, idiosyncratic or wild.
  • those who spread the word about your books


Choose your friends and associates with care — those who appreciate the creative in you, and if it’s a small number — that’s all you need for abundant positivity to flow


Choosing your tribe is vital to preserving creative flow and production.



Engage in activities that enhance the creative within. Turn to meditation, singing, writing or reading poetry, reading the books you have on the nightstand calling out to you, read something different, a different genre. Take a walk on the beach or in a park or forest — do whatever makes your heart sing!


We undertake certain spiritual exercises to achieve alignment with the creative universe ~ Julia Cameron


Be your wildest or quietest authentic self and gravitate to those people who appreciate you for whoever you are, wherever you are in your creative life.


~Dare to be different~

Share your thoughts on your quest for creative space.


Happy Writing. Happy Creating. Happy Connecting!


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