Cover Story

The adage ‘never judge a book by its cover,’ is a questionable one, in the world of publishing.
Writers and publishers agree that a professional cover is the first point of reader attraction. The successive triggers that consolidate interest are, genre, blurb, knowledge of the author’s body of work etc.


When is a cover visualised?

Most often the inspiration for a cover emerges during the writing process, or at the end of the first draft (this is pretty much my experience).
Some writers have a vision for a cover from the conception stage when the story idea strikes, and they stick with it. Others might see the initial perception for a cover morph over time, in consultation with the designer, or an epiphany might trigger a new wave of creative thought.


Creating a book cover should be a collaborative effort with the professional expertise of a cover designer


What decides the choice and layout of images on a cover?

Plot, character, and setting have a huge part to play.
A metaphor that hits the nail on the head is effective in creating curiosity to lead the reader in. It’s subtle and insightful.

My debut novel, Across Time and Space, captures the evocative landscapes of London and Florence, with the protagonist in the foreground,  her assailant centre-ground and the landscapes she traverses, in the background. While this is the main plot, the sub-plot, is not represented, to avoid cluttering the cover. There is a definitive reading path, depth in the placement of images from the foreground all way to the villa in Viareggio, seen in the background.  The colour choice represents the Tuscan setting.



With the sequel, Vindication Across Time,  the theme had to be maintained. The crime in the first book, Across Time and Space is played out in Book Two, in Florence, with the justice department, and media issues that arise. This cover has a Florentine backdrop,  with the Ponte Vecchio in the background, and representation of the courthouse, in centreground. The face of the protagonist, Meryl, in the top left corner,  is at the centre of the drama that unfolds. The male figure in the bottom, right quadrant, is mysterious, leaving the reader guessing who he is, (if you read Across Time and Space, you would have a pick of male characters to speculate upon) and what role he might play in Meryl’s world. Colours play their part in creating meaning, the word, ‘vindication,’ in red symbolises the significant unveiling of truth in this novel, the losses incurred in pursuit of truth. The dark suit of the male protagonist implies, he might be sinister or harbouring a hidden secret. The top half maintains the Tuscan setting,  while the bottom half is enclosed by a dark building – the seat of justice, where truth, lies, and deception are acted out.

Will justice be served?



There is a visual shift, to reflect a new story, a different saga. This cover is a metaphoric representation of characters and events. Green for renewal; fragility and beauty are emblematic through the butterfly image. Dark and light through the colours of the wings, imply situations encountered,  and the personalities of a mother’s daughters, two wings,  with different colours on one butterfly.





What will the rain bring?


The Rain – A Collection of Short Stories reflects the metaphor of rain in its physical, emotional and psychological ramifications on the lives of characters.  Dark tones, with the glimmer of light with the female protagonist foregrounded, suggest the mood that pervades the stories. The image in the bottom right-hand quadrant is that of a hut in the title story.



Flick through any online retail bookstore, and a plethora of covers compete for attention.  A cover catches the eye –   title, author,  blurb are the next attraction and selection.


Covers tell a story, a summary through images.


Well-thought-out covers guide readers’ personal perceptions, speculations, and curiosity, asking,  ‘what story does this book tell, will it entertain and ‘move’ me?’

Seek the expertise of a cover designer and discuss the vision you have for your cover.

What’s your book cover choice? Share your ideas in the comment box below.
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Author: Mala Naidoo

Teacher, English tutor, author, inspiring compassion and understanding that 'in our angst and joy we are one under the sky of humanity'

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