Wellness While You Write


Everyone is a writer- authors, students, teachers, business executives, talk show hosts, journalists, doctors, lawyers, engineers and the list goes on. Some of us write for longer periods in our day and others in short spurts, depending on what you do and want to achieve from your writing.

This post is different to my other posts but an area I think we all need to be aware of.


When the writing muse comes calling, all else is forgotten, the writer lives in the space where ideas unfold upon ideas, time stands still. 

Often writing in the comfort of our own space can lead to poor eating patterns. This might seem like common sense but we need to be reminded to sustain ourselves for the long haul. Writing is mental, creative energy that needs sustenance – yes sustenance – I don’t mean food for the soul – that is important, but, you need good wholesome food, first, before the reward food if it’s your choice. Do you keep a jar of lollies at your writing desk?

Here’s my strategy for a healthier writer body and mind:

If you start your day at 5 am and head to the kettle for your coffee fix. Stop. You need to sustain your energy for the duration of your writing day/ hours.

Try this for three days and note the difference.

# fill a jug with water, slice half an English cucumber or a whole Lebanese cucumber, and add it to the water.Cucumber is a source of vitamin B. Leave the skin on and you add vitamin C to your drink which is much needed to ward off colds with winter advancing in this neck of the woods. A dash of chopped mint is optional but a great herb to add. Adding a thin slice of lemon will pack on more vitamin C.

# while the water, cucumber, and mint infuse,  get in a few back stretches while standing in the kitchen and a few more cat stretches on the carpet or exercise mat if you have one readily available. Arching and relaxing your back will serve you well for a day or hours in your writing chair.

Now for the refreshing drink:

# a tall glass of cucumber-infused water should be sipped while standing up – only because you will be sitting in your chair for an extended time. Keep the blood flowing like you would on a long haul flight.

# having that cup of coffee should come after the cucumber infused water which would have energised you by now, clearing the mind, cleansing and oxygenating the blood. The antioxidants perform their magic. Cucumber is an anti-inflammatory food which might aid with swelling feet if you are prone to this after hours of sitting at your laptop.It might help your aching fingers or wrists after hours/days of typing too.

# if you are an exercise junkie, (if you can fit that in with your writing schedule) and need your morning run, eat a banana before you head off.

# now for breakfast, you’ve stretched, cleansed, had your coffee treat or banana and run, what should your choice of breakfast be before you hit the writing page?  

Here are some options depending on whether you are vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose intolerant or diabetic etc.

– a small slice of fruit, if you had the banana, skip this step, – a small bowl of rolled oats will sustain you for hours of writing – if you prefer eggs – poach them and eat with a slice or two of lightly grilled tomato.

– If you have avocado on hand, a slice will add to a healthy mix. I would limit bread to wholemeal/gluten-free if you are going to have a slice of toast.

– take your jug of cucumber infused water and leave it close to your writing desk to sip at will – why should you do this? It hydrates you, keeps you clear-headed, mentally alert and the bonus is you will be forced to stand up to walk to the toilet! 

As writers, time does not exist when in the creative maze of writing, two hours may seem like twenty minutes. 

You might ask, what about lunch and dinner?

–        A light lunch perhaps, tuna on wholemeal or gluten-free crackers or bruschetta followed by a cup of green tea. Dinner could include grilled chicken, fish or red meat with a side of steamed vegetables or a salad followed by a cup of herb tea and perhaps…perhaps… a tiny treat of your choice.

Here’s hoping this works for you as it does for me, if you have suggestions on how you remain well and sustain yourself on your writing days, please share by writing in the comment box below.

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Wishing you many healthy, happy writing hours!




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