Rear View, Front View

We hear and read much about goal setting with the onset of a New Year.

The rear view must be kept in sight to negotiate the lift-off to the front view, to minimise errors and risks that need refining − that backward glance reminder is significant as the new year begins

Looking back on the not so distant past year, its exit makes it a rapidly fading memory as we are caught in the fountain of eternal fireworks that kick-starts the New Year if we linger on the threshold of the New Year,  we might not move forward fast enough.

With everything in life, we get better at it when we do it over with a new spin, a new attitude and a passion to achieve the best we can.


We are human after all, we can only get better with a little effort and skill.


How do we keep the rear view in focus while running to the front view?

Wild Horses Can’t Hold You!

– Make a list of your past successes
– Make a list of some past shortcomings
– Match them against each other
Now decide what is worth pursuing and what should be culled. Work at culling first and shutting down that rear mirror. Pick up the shortcomings that need attention – make them a priority, review, add-in, refine and polish. Repeat the cycle a few times. Once this is defined as the way forward, look at the new front view,  you want to see,  and advance at a speed and pace that is comfortable for you.

How do we create that front view?

– Itemise THREE small goals you want to achieve
– Make a list of the tools you might require
– Set a timeline for how you will achieve each goal
– Structure the above timeline in four monthly slots
– Start with the goal that is perceived  as  crucial to a glorious front view
– Proceed with getting as close as you can as the four-monthly goal post rolls in
– Move to the next goal, even if the first has not been fully realised, the first view should continue to grow as the second is being crafted
– Continue with this pattern, with your eye on the long view



What if there are challenges within each new view?

Here’s the thing:

– reflect-reflect-reflect
-write down or voice record what happened, why it happened and what you can improve upon
-without conscious acknowledgement of why the challenge arose, the risk is,  it might recur,  awareness through thought, guides and creates a redirection for a better view.
-turn to influencers in your craft: writer, teacher, mother, father, painter, musician etc, draw inspiration from their blogs, podcasts, Facebook groups, face-to-face interactions and professional associations. Ask questions, no question is too simple to be asked.

It’s a pattern, it does not have to be an inflexible structure, it should rather be one that guides your drive through the year, a look in the rear-view mirror, as you proceed is a worthwhile look – reduce the frequency when you reach your halfway mark.

Keep driving, keep looking ahead, and a safe and happy arrival is assured!

Happy New Year!

What’s your view on the rear view? Add your comments below.

Author: Mala Naidoo

Teacher, English tutor, author, inspiring compassion and understanding that 'in our angst and joy we are one under the sky of humanity'

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