Bundled to Go!


We thrive on the continuous feed of a series and the pace, the desire to know more — the adrenaline rush and thrill of the unexpected. Emotionally we are hooked when we pursue more with the fervent desire that it won’t end.

Bundled books/boxsets continue to be what readers want in instantaneously following through on a story in the heat of the action, or to know now with the next flick of the digital page rather than later, not wanting to wait months or years for a sequel or the tenth in series.





Trilogies and sequels are good takeaways when on a long haul flight or the daily train or bus commute to work.
Writers often write a trilogy or series with two or more ready to be released in quick succession to fulfil the reader’s need to have the next in series ready to go.

I have been writing novels one at a time with each book reading as a standalone novel, and when the second book is released with some marketing and social media awareness created, the next book is picked up by readers — either by the same readers who read the first in the trilogy or others who pick up the second or third. Either way, it is a win situation as the books are being read, regardless at which stage of the collection — this is every writer’s joy.

A writer will create ( I avoid saying ‘produce’ as it implies a mechanical rather than a creative process) at their pace, and use personalized strategies to generate interest. There’s much to be gained from listening to podcasts and Facebook live presentations on how writing and marketing work best for some. The key is to follow, listen and learn to educate oneself on the modus operandi that works for you.


Retail Platforms

In signing up for a Draft to Digital webinar I picked up that boxsets or book bundles do well on that platform. Amazon’s KDP Select allows readers to grab the boxsets/book bundles for future reading and has the benefit of price countdowns as strategic marketing. When the downloaded, saved books are read, the author accrues higher royalties and with Kindle Unlimited, there is the page-per-read royalty scheme. In the active ALLi and SPF FB groups, much is to be gained from interacting with or reading posts on the latest publication trends and experiences.

Trial and error, like all good lessons in life, allow for the best decisions on how to market your book.




If considering doing a boxset consider when is the appropriate publishing stage for your books. I did a sequel boxset a year later and trilogy boxset six months after the third book was published — all books may read as standalone novels so the boxset/bundling offers another price point and convenience of access on the go.


Digital Requirements

A boxset requires a separate ISBN to be identified as a new collective publication. As far as book covers go, the 3D image is most suited to Amazon and flat covers for Apple Books, Kobo, or D2D as your platforms of choice.

Across Time                                 Souls


A backlist, if not a series, can be offered as an omnibus collection or if teaming up with other authors writing in a similar genre as you are, makes this another avenue for book bundles at competitive price points to best serve the reader. The royalty split must be legally agreed upon for equity and professionalism to prevail.

Happy writing, Happy publishing, Happy Book Bundling!


Please share your ideas on box sets or book bundles in the comment box below.


Author: Mala Naidoo

Teacher, English tutor, author, inspiring compassion and understanding that 'in our angst and joy we are one under the sky of humanity'

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